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  • : Se Faire Recruter Autrement
  • : Dans ce temps difficile ou l’emploi se fait rare et la concurrence nombreuse ce blog se veut être un laboratoire d’idées pour ‘SE FAIRE RECRUTER AUTREMENT’. Comment attirer l’attention des recruteurs sur soi? Comment se démarquer des autres candidats? Cependant ce blog s’adresse également aux recruteurs avides de nouvelles pratiques et des candidats innovants, leur avis nous sera très précieux dans le but de définir un code de bonnes pratiques pour ces démarches novatrices.
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  • Gisela BONNAUD
  • Gisela BONNAUD
Strategic #HR BP Specialist #Recruiting #TalentAcquisition #TalentManagement #Mobility #Career #TLD #D&I #HRIS #Lean #Change #Management #Leadership
  • Gisela BONNAUD Strategic #HR BP Specialist #Recruiting #TalentAcquisition #TalentManagement #Mobility #Career #TLD #D&I #HRIS #Lean #Change #Management #Leadership


18 décembre 2012 2 18 /12 /décembre /2012 00:06

Understanding the rules of social recruitment is key. At first glance, employers may seem to hold all the cards, but understanding their tactics can considerably improve job seekers' odds of getting noticed.

You are a job seeker, it's not enough to simply push your CV up on the web and hope a company is going to come to you; the onus is on you to get out there and persuade !

Social Media for Job Seekers     

Your online profiles can share and say more about you than a traditional resume. In a world that has become entrenched with the online realm, a competitive advantage is having a great online presence and being able to demonstrate the “social” side of your career and real-life connections. 

There is great opportunity to provide a snapshot of who you are, your connections, interests, honors and other content you want to share with potential employers. For example, your blog can allow recruiters to gain insight into how you communicate your thoughts or interpret the world around you.

Social Media Tips for Recruitment

Establish a strategy with clear objectives. Audit your online employment brand. 
Create an online presence that reflects your brand personality.
Distinctly outline the type of hires that you are looking for.
Create and share interesting content.
Don’t just broadcast—Engage!
Respond to all inquiries. Be authentic

Jon Ingham, a British HR consultant talks about some of the unexpected benefits of social recruiting for organizations and how job-seekers can use social media to demonstrate their value to potential employers.

Source : www.e2conf.com , www.theogm.com




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